Expert Tips to Avoid the Student Loan Debt

{ Posted on 3:14 AM by SHANI }
Today, more than half of all students graduate with a student loan debt of at least several thousand dollars. Many students graduate with tens of thousands of dollars in education loan debts. While paying for a university education is important in order to guarantee a good job, student debts can be a considerable problem. If students are earning only entry-level salaries after graduating, a large debt can be difficult to repay. The consequences of defaulting on student loans can affect student credit history negatively. Luckily, there are good ways to deal with education loans in a way that makes these debts affordable.

Before You Apply for Student Loans and Financial Aid

Most experts suggest that dealing with student debt begins at the application stage. When filling out student loan applications, students should:
Look for a Wide Variety of Financial Aid, Including Loans and Scholarships
When applying for student loans, experts recommend that students look for wide variety of student financial aid, concentrating on the least expensive types of financing. Students who get their financial aid from scholarships, grants, savings, work-study programs, as well as loans invariably spend less money and have smaller debts than students who get their entire school funding through loans.
Look for the Least Expensive Ways to Pay for School
To keep education loan debts small, look for free sources of funding first -- such as grants and scholarships. After that, students should focus on need-based federal student loans, which can offer great savings on interest rates. After that, students should look at private education loans, especially those with competitive rates. Student should rely on high-interest forms of aid -- such as credit cards -- only in emergencies, as these can quickly add up.
Consider Less Expensive Schooling Options to Make Financial Aid Less Necessary
Some students choose to attend public colleges, colleges close to home, or online or distance education programs. Each of these options is less expensive than a private college or university but can still offer quality education. Plus, these options still allow you to borrow for your education. If you can get a quality education from a less expensive source, you may need to take out less in student loans.
Apply for Need-Based Financial Aid if Possible
Applying for need-based government financial aid and government need-based loans is one of the least expensive ways to borrow for school.
Start Looking for Student Financial Aid Early
Experts stress that the earlier students are looking for financial aid, the more likely they are to get all the money they need without enormous debts. Many scholarships and types of aid are available to even grammar school age children, and of course starting to save early can help a student financially prepare for college or university.
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